The Color Code of Bachelor's Degree Gown

At the important milestone of life - the graduation ceremony, the bachelor's degree gown is not only a symbol of academic achievement but also carries rich cultural connotations and diverse symbols. Each gown, from the cap to the robe and the exquisite hood, tells the story and future of the graduates with its unique color code.


Academic Cap


The academic cap, adopting the universally accepted square design, has a black base that is calm and solemn, symbolizing academic rigor and profundity. However, what truly makes this cap shine is the color of the tassel. The tassel on the cap of a bachelor's degree is black, simple and pure. It not only distinguishes the degree level but also signifies that the graduates stand at the pinnacle of knowledge, ready to face new challenges. When the school leaders gently move the tassel from the right side to the left, this "tassel turning" ceremony not only symbolizes the completion of studies but also is a blessing and an expectation of infinite possibilities for the future.


Bachelor's Degree Gown


The bachelor's degree gown, as the core part of the academic attire, also carries deep significance in its color. The bachelor's degree gown is uniformly black, a classic color that not only represents academic seriousness and formality but also signifies the graduates' imminent entry into society, which, though full of unknowns and challenges, their hearts are as deep and resilient as the night. Unlike the singular color of the gown, the hood, with its rich and varied colors, further refines the graduates' field of study. Pink, gray, yellow, green, white, red — six major color codes correspond respectively to literature, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and military disciplines, showcasing the diversity of disciplines and highlighting the unique academic background and identity of the graduates.




The hood, seemingly a simple decoration, is actually the most intuitive identification in bachelor's degree gown. The over-the-head triangle pouch design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also convenient to wear. The different colored edges are like colorful banners announcing the graduates' professional affiliations and academic pursuits. Whether it's the gentle pink of the humanities, the calm gray of the sciences, or the striking yellow of engineering, every color is a recognition and praise of the graduates' professional knowledge and skills. When worn, the hood should be laid flat on the shoulders and back, naturally draping down, showcasing the graduates' demeanor and confidence, as well as reflecting a respect and continuation of academic traditions.


Wearing Method


Wearing bachelor's degree gown may seem simple, but it actually involves many details and requirements. From the position of the cap to the fitting of the gown and the smoothness and fastening of the hood, every step needs careful preparation to present the best visual effect and academic demeanor. Especially during the "tassel turning" ceremony, the gentle movement of the tassel is not only a farewell to the past academic journey but also the start of a new life's journey.


In conclusion, with its unique color code and exquisite wearing method, the bachelor's degree gown not only showcases the graduates' academic achievements and identity but also conveys the school's best wishes and deep expectations for the graduates. Interwoven with honor and responsibility, every graduate will take more determined steps towards a new chapter in life.

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